You’ve been running your business for a couple of years. You love that you’re no longer working for someone else and that you’re fully responsible for your income and lifestyle.
This can be a lonely journey when you’re on the tools and it’s just you, making all the decisions, wearing all the hats. You need to find new customers, manage the accounts,manage suppliers, keep your branding on track and do the work itself.
You’re wondering how to make the phone ring, how to get more leads and grow sales in your business?
You’re at a crossroad, a perfect one where you can create the business that you want from this very point. Every decision you now make has an impact on the way your future business is shaped.
You’ve put your heart and soul into growing a solid business, providing a valued service to your customers. You have a business community of staff, suppliers and contractors that are fully engaged with your business. But you still feel like you’re making all the decisions yourself. You want to scale up but you know you can’t if you’re immersed in the day to day decisions.
No-one else in the business can take more responsibility, at this stage. You’re running out of hours in the day, who can you delegate to? How do you build a team for the future?
You know you can grow faster, but you need a transitionary structure in place to effectively manage current sales and delivery, while building scalability into your business.
You’re the leader of a large organisation with several people reporting to you. Your organisation is multilayered with several product lines. Any change to the organisation has to be considered for its wider impact to both people and profits.
How do you steer the business toward a new vision with relevant stakeholders onboard? How do you drive effective organisational change while optimising existing business intelligence?
The existing business framework needs to gradually shift to accommodate change, forge new revenue channels and markets, while keeping current sales pipelines and revenue channels growing.
We seek to help SMEs to want to grow to the next level. Not just organic growth each year, but at a rate that would turn them into quite a different (and larger) company. Our clients fall into two camps; sales are flooding in, and they can’t cope with the volume, or sales have flattened out, and they don’t know how to shift the needle. While we don’t focus on any one industry, our recent clients have included tradies, IT and digital marketing, and manufacturers who import or export their products.
If you would like assistance to map out your path to your next stage of growth, please
contact us for a chat. We look forward to speaking with you.
Reignite Consulting
Fuelling your success.